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The 4th Annual Antler Drop Derby is a first-class event at The Ramlin' Rose that will include dinner, entertainment by Cap City Band, dancing, and raffles and live auctions.
The October 2018 flood event devastated the progress that we made improving parks in Llano County. This unprecedented event completely destroyed the Matt and Doraliza Raglin SplashPad along with the associated equipment room and fencing. On top of this damage, almost the entire Badu Park was wiped clean with playscapes, trails, pavilions, and restrooms partially or entirely destroyed. The pictures below do not even do justice to the raw power of the floodwaters.
At this year's event we raised over $87,000 which will benefit Llano Parks Project to fund a Master Parks Plan to rebuild the parks for the community. Thank you to all those who believe and support our mission to build parks and strengthen our community...TOGETHER.
Signature Drink Underwriter
Raffle Item Underwriter

Jordan Baker
Shae Brown
Rachel Corcorran
Patsy Elliott
Tara Etheredge
Anna Green
Sarah Harris
Leila Little
Tambra Lynch
Julie Leverett
Kelly Lowery
Jennifer Parrish
Tania Quigley
Samantha Schooler
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